I bought the Premium version. When trying to reinstall the application Google wants me to purchase the app again.
There are two different kinds of the Premium version which are completely independent from each other. On the one hand side, you can obtain the Premium version within the application (so called "in-app-purchase"). On the other hand side, you can obtain the Premium version directly within the Play Store. When reinstalling the application, you will have to install the "right" version to get back your Premium version. If you purchased Premium from within the app, you will have to install the "free" version. Google will afterwards unlock the Premium version again. If you purchased the Premium version "directly" from the Play Store, just install that version again.
How can favorites be created?
Long press on a device within the room view. Click on the heart within the action menu on the top of the view. To remove a favorite, repeat the same procedure.

The application tells me that it cannot read my xmllist (or only some devices).
AndFHEM has to use some way to extract device data from FHEM. The interface, which is used, is called xmllist. All the device data is converted to xml and written out into some document. When reading this document errors may happen. This is exactly what this error is about.
There are two flavors of this error. Either some device types or even only devices cannot be read. AndFHEM will tell you this after finishing updating the data. If you encounter this error, send a bug report to andfhem@klass.li containing the xmllist of your device. You can create a xmllist by typing xmllist as command into FHEMWEB or your telnet command line instance. For getting the list of only one device, just append the device name.
If the application tells you that it cannot read the complete xmllist, please send the complete (anonymized) xmllist output to andfhem@klass.li. The application tries to make some of the information included within the xmllist more readable, which is where some errors may happen.
The connection cannot be established. What is this about?
First of all, make sure that your device can connect to FHEM. When using the telnet connection, install ConnectBot on your device. Start the application, insert telnet as connection type, insert your port and hostname and try to connect. If a connection can be established, contact me. When using FHEMWEB, try to connect to the FHEM instance using your browser on your phone or tablet.
Here are some possible causes if the connection is not working (as verified above):
- Check your network connection. Can you connect to the Internet? Can you connect to your local router?
- The telnet port within the FHEM configuration has to be defined as global to allow other devices than the
running machine to connect to FHEM. The attribute should look like the following:
attr global port 7072 global
If the connection from your phone/tablet to your FHEM server is working (as verified above) and you still cannot connect via andFHEM, make sure that all of your entered connection information within the app is correct. If still, no connection can be established, contact me.
My FHT device does not react. What can I do?
FHT devices are pretty lazy, as the FHEM documentation tells. Consequently, it takes some time until the device actually sets the new desired temperature. If you still have the feeling that nothing happens, connect to FHEM via telnet and type inform on. Afterwards change the desired temperature within andFHEM. By now, telnet should now show up a new entry telling that the desired-temp value has been changed.
How can I enable HTTPS?
Add an additional line to your FHEM configuration file (fhem.cfg):
You can install the module manually by downloading it from the CPAN site and uncompressing it to fhem/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.2/
My device is not supported. Can it be added to andFHEM?
The answer is yes. However, this will take some time - and effort from your side. To get the device type added, there I need some information. Open an issue on the Github page or write a mail containing the following information:
- Excerpt of your xmllist command
(connect via telnet and enter 'xmllist' OR connect to your FHEMWEB instance and enter 'xmllist') - Which attributes should be viewed on the overview page? (not more than 4)
- Which attributes should be viewed on the detail page?
- Are there any plots? If yes, attach an excerpt of your local FileLog file for an example device.
After an application crash, no devices are shown!
First of all, make sure you have reported the error! This is the only way for me to resolve the problem (and for you to make sure that someone cares about the problem). To resolve the behaviour, either ...
- ... restart your phone (this is daunting) _or_
- ... go to the application properties (System preferences -> Apps -> andFHEM) and stop the the application.
The app tells me that it cannot send a command, but after a short time interval the device still switches. Why?
AndFHEM will try to resend commands 4 times after an error has been encountered. The error has to be a timeout or a general connection error. The resend will be startet for "set" and "attr" commands.
As resend time intervals, powers of 3 for the current try are used:
Initial send | 0 seconds delay (synchronous) |
1rst retry | 3^0 = 1 second delay |
2nd retry | 3^1 = 3 seconds delay |
3rd retry | 3^2 = 9 seconds delay |
4th retry | 3^3 = 27 seconds delay |
Help, the app does strange this I did not expect!
You have probably found a new bug. Now please help me to resolve it! If the application exits, Android asks you whether you want to notify the developer. Please, always click yes. This helps me resolving the issue without you having to run all through your log file to find out the appropriate error message. If the application does not exit and there is still some unexpected behavior, write a mail to andfhem@klass.li.
The mail should cover the following topics:
- Description what happened.
- (optional) excerpt of your system log in relations to li.klass.fhem
- (optional) your anonymized xmllist.